The Revenue Benefits of Vapor Recovery

The Revenue Benefits of Vapor Recovery

If you have been in the oil and gas industry for a while, then you know what the winning formula is: maximizing production while minimizing waste. Well, what if I told you there is a way to take the waste from your oil and gas production and turn it into a valuable revenue stream?  

Enter vapor recovery.    

This defining technology not only helps protect the environment but also gives a major boost to the bottom line for oil and gas producers by eliminating the need for flaring and venting and repurposing the waste. It’s ultimately a win-win situation that is becoming ever more crucial for operators in the field. Join us for a look at how vapor recovery can drive up your revenue in today’s oil and gas industry. But before we do, let’s review what vapor recovery is exactly.  


What is Vapor Recovery?    

Simply put, vapor recovery systems (VRS) are designed to capture vapors, typically hydrocarbon gases, that would typically be vented or flared into the atmosphere during operations. These vapors can come from storage tanks, pipelines, and other oil and gas operations. By capturing these gases, a vapor recovery unit (VRU) can redirect them back into the production process or sell them as a separate product, increasing efficiency and profitability.  

Now that your memory is refreshed on what vapor recovery is, let’s dive into a very important aspect of what it means for companies to implement a vapor recovery system. . . more revenue.  


Turning Wasted Gas into Revenue   

One of the most obvious revenue benefits of vapor recovery is turning what would otherwise be wasted into profit. In many cases, emissions that are vented or flared during production are valuable gases like methane, ethane, propane, and butane. Instead of being a wasted emission, these gases can be captured and either reinjected into the production stream or sold as natural gas liquids (NGLs).  

Let’s say you’re an operator losing several thousand cubic feet of gas per day through venting or flaring. With vapor recovery, you can capture these emissions and convert them into something useful or compressed and sent to the sales pipeline. That’s like discovering an untapped reserve right within your existing operations. Over time, this additional revenue can significantly boost profitability, especially as the market for NGLs remains strong.  

Reducing Flaring Costs  

Flaring is not only harmful to the environment, but it’s also an expensive and antiquated practice. The process involves burning off excess gas that can’t be efficiently captured, and while this prevents harmful gases from being released into the atmosphere, it’s essentially burning the most valuable resource of all, money. A vapor recovery unit eliminates or at least greatly reduces the need for flaring by capturing those valuable vapors before they’re lost. This not only saves money on flaring operations but, as mentioned previously, also creates an additional revenue stream by repurposing the gas that would otherwise be wasted.


Compliance Equals Savings    

The oil and gas industry is increasingly under a microscope when it comes to emissions. As we have started to see, many governments have tightened regulations around venting and flaring and many governments have introduced strict guidelines to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to hefty fines, operational shutdowns, and a damaged reputation, all of which can drop revenue potential for operations.  It's honestly worth the investment in a vapor recovery system to avoid all the headaches that can come without one.  

By investing in vapor recovery, oil and gas companies can easily meet the strictest regulatory standards, avoiding costly penalties and ensuring that operations continue to run smoothly. Essentially, you’re not just making money by capturing gas, you’re saving money by avoiding fines. Plus, compliance can help open doors to new opportunities, as many customers and investors are now prioritizing businesses with strong environmental credentials.


Lower Operating Costs    

As you know, operational efficiency is a critical factor in any oil and gas operation. Incorporating a vapor recovery system will not only provide a new revenue stream but will also lower operating costs. The captured vapors that are recovered can be reused in the production process, such as powering equipment or offsetting the need for appropriating additional resources.  

With fewer emissions, vapor recovery can also help to reduce the wear and tear on other equipment, such as flaring systems. Over time, this can result in lower maintenance and replacement costs, further improving the overall financial performance of your operation.

Creating a Competitive Edge    

In today’s energy market, oil and gas producers that show a commitment to sustainability and operational efficiency can help to create a competitive edge for themselves. A vapor recovery system helps position your business as environmentally responsible and forward-thinking. This can potentially lead to increased investor interest, customer loyalty, and community partnerships.  

Many external stakeholders now consider a producer's environmental impact as a key factor when choosing suppliers, and those with vapor recovery systems in place can stand out from the competition. It can also help improve public perception, something that’s becoming increasingly important in the age of sustainable investing. It's time to set yourself apart from the competition with a vapor recovery solution.

Flogistix is Your Partner in Vapor Recovery  

At Flogistix, we know how crucial vapor recovery is when it comes to boosting revenue and supporting sustainability. Our vapor recovery systems are built to help you get the most out of your operations, making sure no value is lost in your production processes. Whether you want to cut down on emissions, increase revenue, or stay ahead of regulations, our custom vapor recovery solutions are here to help you hit those targets.  

Don’t let valuable hydrocarbons slip away. Contact Flogistix today to find out how our vapor recovery solutions can improve your profitability and set you up for long-term success.
